What’s the most jaw-dropping moment you’ve ever witnessed at a wedding? 

Welcome to my very first episode of Here Comes the Drama where I’m sharing a bit about myself, the story behind my viral skits loved by almost 700,000 followers, and why I’m so excited to bring you even more drama, laughter, and lessons.

This week, I’m reacting live to an unbelievable wedding tale sent in by one of you! It’s packed with family drama, new relationships, and the ultimate boundary-setting showdown. Trust me, your jaw is going to drop.

Stick around for my candid takes, a little humor, and maybe even some life lessons you didn’t see coming.

Don’t forget—new episodes drop every Thursday!

Episode Chapter Markers

00:00 Meet Your Host, Christa Innis

01:20 The Birth of the Podcast

04:23 Diving into the Drama: First Story

06:28 Mother’s New Boyfriend Causes Chaos

09:26 Setting Boundaries and Standing Up

15:18 Follower Confessions: Juicy Stories

17:19 Wrapping Up: What’s Next?

Must-Hear Insights and Key Moments

  • My journey from social media and event planning to launching this podcast—it’s been a wild ride!
  • My viral skits blew up thanks to you all, and your engagement keeps fueling my passion for storytelling.
  • Jaw-dropping listener story about a boyfriend stirring up drama at a family wedding—total chaos!
  • Setting boundaries and standing firm when things get messy (and trust me, they do)
  • My live reactions to the boyfriend’s inappropriate behavior? Let’s just say, jaw = dropped
  • How family dynamics and unresolved tension can complicate life’s biggest moments
  • Reflecting on self-love and the courage it takes to advocate for yourself, especially in tough situations.

Words of Wisdom: Standout Quotes from This Episode

  • “You can’t just brush off someone’s feelings and pretend things didn’t happen—that’s where the real hurt starts.”
  • “Seeing these stories play out helps us realize how important self-love and respect are, even when it’s hard to enforce them.”
  • “You should be more excited to be there for your daughter’s wedding than care about having a date.”
  • “I’m so proud of this girl for setting boundaries and standing up for herself—it’s not easy, but it’s worth it.”
  • “You can’t apologize and then negate it—it’s like saying, ‘I’m sorry, but…’ which really means you’re not sorry at all.”
  • “Writing it out can be therapeutic, even if it’s just to see the situation more clearly and stand your ground.”

Mentioned in the Episode

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Blog Transcript:

Note: We use AI transcription so there may be some inaccuracies

The Birth of Here Comes the Drama

Christa Innis: Hi guys, welcome to my very first episode of Here Comes the Drama, the podcast that dies into the chaos, hilarity, and unforgettable moments of weddings, events, and beyond. 

I’m your host, Christa Innis from Party Planning by Christa. And today’s episode is packed with some juicy stories and hot takes. But before we get to all that, I just want to do a brief introduction of who I am in case you’re new to my community.

why I started this whole thing and I’m kind of going off the cuff here because I find when I like to type things out, it just doesn’t sound as natural to me. So I apologize in advance if it doesn’t run as smoothly as possible. but basically I’ve worked in social media marketing for the last 12-plus years now.

And so I’ve always created content online for different brands I’ve worked with and I’ve really enjoyed doing it. However, over those last 10-plus years also, I’ve been involved in so many weddings and events. So whether that was my own wedding and planning that being a maid of honor, a couple of times being a bridesmaid, I think eight times, hired for a day of coordinator.

Many times and helped with different events along the way, whether it was a distant friend or family member, planning some different events as well. I just love being involved in wedding planning and event planning. It’s just so much fun for me. I love being able to create a long story short.

So last year, about a year and a half ago, I was on maternity leave and I started just to start making some different content. It started with just sharing some wedding planning tips or party planning tips. And then I realized the content that I really like on social media is like interactions between two people.

So I started sharing some different things that I’ve seen at weddings before or heard about, and that’s when it all started blowing up. And you guys just really love the stories and the skits. And that’s when I started getting more stories sent to me from you guys saying like, Hey, can you share this?

Like, this is what happened to me, or I saw this in a story. Can you share this? And before I knew it, it just started blowing up more and more. And, I thought just the next step would be to create a podcast to kind of dive into the drama a little bit more, talk about boundaries, and talk about different ways to deal with drama or different scenarios.

And, I currently have hundreds and hundreds of stories that I haven’t even touched the surface on. So, I thought it’d be a fun way to invite guests on and react together to these crazy stories. And even invite some guests who have submitted these stories to me so we can ask questions that they maybe didn’t share, or maybe they have updates for us.

And I thought it’d be kind of a fun way to dive in because I’m constantly hearing how much you guys love the drama. So with this channel growing and the support for it, which I’m so grateful for, I want to give you guys even more. So these episodes are going to come out weekly and we’ve got a lot of fun stuff planned for you.

In addition to that, I am a wife, as I mentioned, I planned my own wedding and I’m a mom to a baby girl, a toddler girl, always be my baby. and so this has been a lot of fun for me to grow and share these different crazy stories that you guys send me. And I’ll be honest when I first started doing this, I was like, what am I doing for people by sharing these stories?

And I’m someone that likes to work on impact. Like if I know I’m helping someone or I know I’m making an impact in some way, I find the work is much more meaningful. And so I was really questioning myself in the beginning. I’m like, what am I doing? Am I just spreading drama? But so many messages have been sent to me, for sharing this.

Now I know how to talk to my daughter. Now I know how to talk to my mother-in-law. you sharing this story, I now can talk to my partner and get on the same page about this drama we are dealing with. And that’s really helped me see that sharing stories like this, whether they’re crazy or not, has really impacted people and helped people to know how to set boundaries and how to stand up for themselves and also seeing things.

It’s kind of like a reflection of being like, wait. I don’t like how that person is being treated. I shouldn’t like how I’m being treated. So a little bit of self-love there. So that’s a little or a lot about me. 

Sorry if that went on a little long, but I just thought being the first episode, I wanted to give you guys the full scoop of how this brand has grown.

And I’m so excited for more sharing. it would not be a party plan by Chris, a podcast. If I didn’t mention the love for Ferris and Sloan, and if you’ve not watched it, we’ll put it in the show notes, you guys can check it out. But, that is one of the most loved skits, and I have so much fun creating so much fun with that.

That cast the characters and there’s more to come with that as well. Without further ado, let’s just jump into my blind reaction to this wedding submission. 

When Mom’s New Boyfriend Brings the Drama to the Wedding

Like I said, I’ve hundreds and hundreds that I’ve not even touched the service on. When we have guests come on in the future for future episodes, we’re going to be going through more confessions and wedding hot takes.

And, I’m excited to share this with you. So let’s get into this. My sister and I both have weddings this year. Shockingly, the drama has nothing to do with her. We have a great relationship and I’ve really enjoyed sharing the season. I love that. I think that’s great. My mom, on the other hand, has been quite the pill.

Let’s take it all the way back to last year around the holidays when my mom let us know she broke up with her boyfriend of over a decade.

We were very fond of him. He celebrated my and my fiance’s engagement with us. He was there. And my fiance asked my mom for her blessing to propose. My dad passed away a few years ago and we had a kind of a strange relationship. Henry, my mom’s ex-boyfriend, even taught me how to drive.

Anyways, she broke up with him right before Christmas. I wanted to support her, but it was a real bummer. I was anxious about the lonely version of her. If I’m being honest, nervous, nervous. She would be very clingy. Henry kept her very occupied and he really put up with her.

To my surprise, she wasn’t acting this way at all. And so my suspicions grew. She’s never really been alone. I told my sister, I suspected there was someone new. I was right. She had started seeing someone that September. Yep, the math is in fact not matching and there was an overlap there. I didn’t and don’t have much respect for that, but that’s not my life.

Anyway, my mom plans for my sister Lane and me to meet him at her house. It was very awkward because it was an intimate gathering of only my sister, me, and our fiancés. She even had him there the next morning, Christmas morning, for the gift exchange. Okay, that’s really awkward. Of course, my mom and her new beau, Nick, only exchanged with each other.

Okay, that’s really awkward. I can picture it. While this was very awkward, there was nothing but polite pleasantries and small talk exchanged. This continued over the next three other times I was around Nick leading up to my sister’s wedding in May. So imagine, to my surprise, when this man creates so much drama during my sister’s wedding day that weekend.

My mom arrived at the area of the venue a few days before the wedding and told my sister she’d be around to help him in any way. And help was needed when the weather forecast changed to heavy rain three days before the big day. Instead, my mom was unreachable two days before and arrived late the day before, knowing my sister really needed all hands on deck.

Okay, so we hear this happens when it comes to family members and bridesmaids, sure. And Believe me, that sucks too. But when it’s your own mom that you’re expecting to be there to help you, like I’m shocked she was not acting herself. She loves to talk and she was a muted shell of herself all day.

Weird. Anyways, while my fiancé and my cousin’s boyfriend busted their butts both days to make the event happen, they gave Nick some direction and asked him to help with a few simple tasks, which he completely ignored. Can you imagine going to your new girlfriend’s daughter’s wedding, they’re asking you for help, and you’re just like, Yeah, no, I’m not gonna do that.

Like, what? Cut to the wedding reception. I gave my maid of honor speech.

It goes very well, and I’m relieved. I head across the reception floor straight to my mom to ask her how I did, and while she is mid-sentence, Nick pulls her away from me by the back of her dress. Guys, if you could see me right now, my jaw would drop. I was so thrown off and offended.

She did not look disturbed or confused by this behavior, nor did she try to rejoin our conversation. It was bizarre. Like, what power does this guy have over her? I later confronted both of them about it directly, assertively, and politely. Nick was rude looking around anywhere but at me, pretending he couldn’t hear me.

How old is this guy to be acting so rude like this? Ugh. So I repeated my question, why did you pull my mom away from me like that while we were talking? To which she replies with a lot of attitude, well maybe I needed to tell her something really important. I kind of stormed off after that. I headed to help my sister fix her hair and change into her party dress.

I tell her what happened. And then she tells me the same thing happened to her that morning in the glam room while they were talking. Also, why is this new boyfriend in the glam room? Like I feel like that’s kind of inappropriate. Cause you know, you’re kind of getting dressed, getting ready.

Why do you want your mom’s new boyfriend there?

I said that and then I looked at her thing and she said, why was he even in the glam room? While we’re getting her rained-on updo fixed, and refreshed, she tells me that Henry sent her a sweet text that morning.

Henry, if you guys don’t remember, is the mom’s ex-boyfriend. and she’d been too busy to reply. So she asked me to send him a text from the both of us. So I do, I say we love him and that he’s missing from this day. He replies immediately that he loves us and my mom very much, and wishes us a lovely celebration.

Aw, that’s gotta be so sad. I should add that when my sister asked if she could still invite Henry, my mom’s response was a quick and cold no. And she still speaks to him herself. Interesting. After the night ended, I confronted my mom in the kitchen again.

I was upset that she never tried to rejoin the conversation after I pulled her away, and she was totally dismissing my frustration and hurt. I started getting reactive and upset asking her why she was even with this guy while I knew he was in earshot. The next thing you know, he’s yelling in my face not to speak to my mother like that.

No, he didn’t. Oh my gosh. a basically random new boyfriend who is 61. There we go. Answered my question. 61 never married. No kids getting in my face and scolding me. A 28-year-old adult who admittedly is the one to say everything that everyone else is thinking. 

This was not going to end well. I later found out he was speaking negatively about my sister and me the night prior after the rehearsal dinner to my cousin, saying we were disrespectful and even insinuating that we didn’t appreciate a gift cousin had gone out of her way to obtain, which was an old necklace of my dad’s that she made into bracelets for us.

Why is this guy getting involved? Oh my gosh. Guys, this is juicy. Okay. At this point, this man is dead to me. His colors are blinding, and I’ve seen and heard enough. Oh, I like that phrase. I’ve never heard that before. He’s uninvited to my wedding. I couldn’t understand what would generate such a negative opinion of us prior to any altercation whatsoever.

I still don’t. The two other times I’ve been in the same room as him since the wedding, he’s completely avoided me and made zero attempt to make the situation right. As you can imagine, there’s unresolved tension with my mom now, too. I try to talk to her about it and she brushes it off, claiming not to remember.

See, that would make me more mad than this guy. So this guy’s new. He has no attachment, no affiliation. Okay, fine. I mean, it sucks, but fine. The mom, though, acting like it didn’t happen or couldn’t remember, that’s where I would be really hurt and really upset. Oh my gosh. This is terrible. Beyond frustrating.

Anyway, I’m a hairstylist and two weeks later, my mom has an appointment. While I’m half done applying her highlights, she mentions, I heard what you texted Henry. That was very mean of you. And he called our mutual friend the next day in tears. I was livid. It took everything in me to finish her service.

But I do. Things between us are not good at this point. I was very upset that she would pin emotions on me that she was responsible for. A week or so later, I checked the mailbox and my mom wrote me a letter. What? She wrote you a letter. Okay. So dramatic. Anyways, an included apology followed by completely retracting them.

What do we call those? I think we call them butt sentences. I think a therapist can come on here and tell me but it’s like, if you’re like, Oh, you know, I’m really sorry for the way I treated you, but it’s basically excusing your behavior. It’s an excuse for your apology.

It’s saying, I’m not really sorry. So it negates everything you said before that. Again, I’m not a therapist, but I think we can have a therapist on here who can explain that a little bit better. So yeah, you can’t apologize and then negate it.

She says she respects my decision and does not want Nick to be at my wedding. My wedding’s in a few short months and my in-laws want to host my aunt and uncle and mom for dinner to meet my aunt and uncle for the first time. They’ve both met my mom twice, both times with Henry.

My mom asked me if only she was invited or if Nick was invited as well. Okay, if you’re not invited to the wedding, your boyfriend’s not invited to the wedding, why would you think he’d be invited to this dinner to meet your in-laws? What are we not putting together here? I reply I would appreciate it if you didn’t bring him.

My mom says, okay, sweetie, the dinner is going well with my aunt and uncle and in-laws, but my mom is being off and quiet. I even noticed she was on the verge of tears at a few points. This isn’t uncommon for her. The wedding is in Cabo and the family will be down there for a full week.

We’re discussing plans excitedly while everyone is saying goodbye. I, and everyone else, notice my mom is in a full sob. I walk her outside and ask what’s wrong. She replies as if you don’t know. I say I have no idea what you’re talking about. She says, do you think I’m excited to go to your wedding by myself and be here tonight alone?

Oh my gosh. I am flabbergasted by her behavior. This is the girl saying I am not, although I am also very flabbergasted by her behavior. I brush it off and say goodbye. I’ve been given no reason to reconsider and I’m supported by all I’ve confided in with this decision.

I considered caving and letting him come this past week only because I don’t know what’s worse. And my mom will be difficult alone. But my fiancé even expressed that he didn’t want that and he feels strongly about Nick not being in attendance as well. Here, here. But he’d support my decision regardless.

Pretty much this is where things stand at this point, and how it plays out, to be honest. The wedding is in nine weeks. Writing this all out has been therapeutic, whether you use it or not. Oh my gosh, girl!

I want an update. Maybe I’ll reach out to you and try to get an update. I’m not sure I have to look at the date when you submitted this, but this is insane. It always complicates things when there are new boyfriends that come in, especially if you have parents. I’ve never luckily had to deal with that.

So I can’t say from personal experience, but I can only imagine how stressful that is. But I cannot, from an outside perspective, understand how if you’ve annoyed your new boyfriend coming in, they treat your daughter that way and you’re going to allow them to stay around and you’re not going to understand why they’re not invited to a wedding.

You should be more excited and be there for your daughter for her wedding than care about having a date or not. That is a crazy story. Oh my gosh, you guys your jaw has dropped eyes as open as mine because I’m that insane to me. Okay, guys. I don’t even know what to say. Actually, I know what I want to say.

I’m very proud of this girl. She was so good at setting boundaries and standing up for herself because so many times I think we want to appease other people. So like she said, she almost caved, but then she was like, no, do I really want to deal with him at my wedding? He’s going to make me cry. He’s going to treat my mom a certain way.

No, you put your foot down and you stuck with it. And I’m very proud of you for that. So Props to you.

Rating Wedding Day Drama

Okay, guys, the last segment of my podcast is going to be reading some follower confessions, and this is gonna be a little bit short since it’s just me today, but when you leave guests on, I’m gonna have them rate them. So I’m gonna read a couple here that are kind of crazy.

I’m going to open up these confessions, and I’m going to rate them from 0 to 10. 0 being, not that crazy of a confession, and 10 being, I’m completely shocked. Alright, ready?

Here’s one. My bridesmaid from another state didn’t even bother to show up to anything. Just the wedding. Okay. I’m going to give that a four because that one really does suck. But I’m curious, like why did she just not show up? Did she say she was going to come and then cancel at the last minute?

There’s a lot more to that story, but either way, when you have a bridesmaid that you want to be in the wedding and be a part of things, they don’t show up and that’s terrible. Okay guys, this one, my jaw’s already dropping. My cousin, the bridesmaid, slept with a groomsman who just got married two weeks prior.

That is a 12. That is a 1, 200 plus. My jaw dropped. What do we do? How did that happen? Did that happen at the wedding? Was his wife there? I have so many questions for you. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Okay, I’m gonna do one more. You guys send me such juicy ones. Okay. The bride’s mom said I’m glad she finally found someone willing to marry her. On her wedding day. Oh, no, no, no, no That’s like a nine. That’s like a nine you guys. I just did a YouTube video about this, but don’t make comments about people on their wedding day, especially somebody like that who is willing to marry her.

That’s terrible. That’s terrible. Do you think she’s not lovable? That’s just horrible, especially coming from her mom herself. Like that’s awful All right, guys, I get so many confessions every week. 

So we’re going to start doing confessions every single week More drama coming up soon, and I have a very special guest joining me next week I want to tell you guys so bad, but you’re gonna see a sneak peek pretty soon in a couple of weeks And I cannot wait for their reactions to another crazy story If you are following me on the socials you’ve maybe have seen Seen her and see some of the content she puts out, but we’ll get to that in a bit.

All right. Thank you everyone for listening to this very first episode of Here Comes the Drama. New episodes come out every single Thursday. If you’ve not subscribed to my newsletter, please do so at the link in the show notes. you get weekly emails sent out to you with all the important links, the newest skits, any updates coming to the party, and planning by Christa.

Business line, whatever you want to call it. and if you guys enjoyed this episode, don’t forget to rate, review, and share it with your friends, especially as I’m starting out, I would love for you guys to just share the word and help this podcast get bigger and let more people know about it because that just helps me, be able to create more and more content for you guys.

So the support is so well received and I’m so grateful for it. As always, if you guys have crazy wedding stories or any kind of story, it doesn’t have to be wedding-related, send it to me at the link in the show notes as well. Thank you all for listening to the very first episode and I will see you guys next week.

Bye now.